Minnesota Campers
Essential Information:
Date: August 2003
Location: West Virginia
Script: Complete improv.
Norm - Jeff Andrews
Virgil - Pete Berg
Camera - Julie Lemmon
Synopsis: Two Minnesotans are on a camping trip when a "doozy of a storm" comes rolling. They go looking for their missing children before the storm begins.
Commentary: This is a darn tootin' blasphemy, if I do say so myself. As people obsessed with Minnesotans and Minnesota accents and culture, it is really sad that this little skit turned out so bad. It's not funny, and it goes on way too long. We plan on making up for it with our Minnesota Swamp Monster mocumentary, though!
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Posted by: Neel
17 Nov 2003 23:10:06 EST, 23:10
Well, yah, that was a bit dif'ren',it was...umm, for cryin' in the mud, i couldn't really tell what was going on but ok. Its good to see some locals make it to the 'big times' and have their own movie, ya know? I'm goin' to see some of that Swamp Moster footage Right now, in a second soon, i will, yessir.
Posted by: Pete
08 Nov 2003 01:01:20 EST, 1:01
Yeah, so we're obsessed with those awesome Minnesota accents and mannerisms and that whole concept of "Minnesota Nice"....but really, this movie didn't turn out very good....hopefully we'll eventually get around to making our Minnesota Swamp Monster mockumentary.
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WMV Format (5:53/100Kbps/3.6MB)
WV Stop Motion
Essential Information:
Date: August 2003
Location: West Virginia
Script: Unplanned--we made up what would happen in the scenes as we went along, actually, with lots of suggestions from the people standing around watching.
Director / Camera / Animator - Pete Berg
Animator / Scene Designer - Jeff Andrews
Animator - Julie Lemmon
Animator - Christi Finnessey
Animator - Graeme Nichols
Animator - Alex MacDonald
Animator - Eric Stoel
Animators - (Other people helped out, but I can't remember who!)
Synopsis: Four short animated sequences:
- A Teddy Graham does jumping jacks...then all hell breaks loose
- A big fish eats some little Goldfish, then gets a taste of his own medicine
- Sunflower seeds spell out "BOO," then are eaten
- A lunch is eaten in segments by a very loud chewer
Commentary: Although we were only recording in 1/4 second intervals, these took a lot longer than you think to make...The fish pond scene, which is only about 30 or so seconds long, took us over an hour to make with about a dozen people standing around the table helping... But these were also fun to make, and turned out really well.
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Posted by: Pete
26 Oct 2003 13:09:20 EST, 13:09
These short stop motion clips took a long time to make, and some of them are really good (Da Beach, the Teddy Graham one) and others suck (the lunch time ones...) But I like them a lot. Overall, some of the best things we've made.
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WV Stop Motion Photo Album
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(All of these files are 256Kbps .wmv format)
The Teddy Graham clip (:08/291 KB)
Da Beach Animation (:29/938 KB)
Sunflower Seeds (:11/416 KB)
Eating Lunch (:25/877 KB)
Pool Noodle Mockumentary

The yellow noodle -- what an inspiration to us all.
Essential Information:
Date: August 2003
Location: West Virginia
Script: Unscripted improv...sometimes Pete fed lines to the people he interviewed, or told people what to do in scenes, and some were unplanned.
Director / Camera - Pete Berg
Alex MacDonald
Tyler Stoltzfus
Sean Wright
Aaron Wright
Graeme Nichols
Brianne Bilbrey
Mikey Carlson
Caleb Simerson
And more...
Synopsis: A mockumentary about a local obsession with a dirty pool noodle that has been floating in a pond for several days.
Commentary: Pete is obsessed with the mockumentary genre and was bored one afternoon, so he rounded up several people from Troop & Crew 38 and decided to try his hand at a short mockumentary. This entire film was made in less than fifteen minutes, and turned out very well under the circumstances, though no one would say it's good. It also has a pretty disgusting ending, which brings it up in value quite a bit.
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Posted by: Pete
26 Oct 2003 13:13:15 EST, 13:13
This kind of really sucks, and isn't really funny (except for a bit of gross out humor). But I made it in fifteen minutes TOTAL, so I guess that says something (both good and bad). For the time spent, though, it isn't too bad.
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Pool Noodle Photo Album
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WMV Format (3:07/100Kbps/1.9MB)
Russian Spies
"With the bouncing of the balls, and the bouncing of the bouncing..."
Essential Information:
Date: August 2003
Location: West Virginia
Script: Complete improv.
Captain (with unpronounceable name) - Jeff Andrews
Victoria Upenschtein - Christi Finnessey
Mute Technical Crew - Graeme Nichols
Boris Yeltsman / Camera / Director- Peter Berg
Dirty Rotten Americans - Julie Lemmon, Megan T., Paul Cornelius, Mikey Carlson
Synopsis: Russian spies go on top secret mission 414 to track down three dirty rotton Americans to determine whether or not they are working as spies for the American government. Of course, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Commentary: This video had absolutely no prior planning, and was very good in the end. Graeme turned out to be the star of the show and was definitely the funniest one out there. There are many funny/entertaining high points and one liners here, and this was also fun to make. Check it out!
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Posted by: Yanni
01 Nov 2003 19:06:04 EST, 19:06
kudos to Graeme. everything else..um..sucked. And I swear cookie monster was the voice behind the camera.
Posted by: Pete
26 Oct 2003 13:15:09 EST, 13:15
Lots of fun to make, several funny scenes, and Graeme steals the show. I don't know if you agree, but I like it.
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(90 Images)
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Mission 414 WMV (12:26/100Kbps/7.56MB)
Mission 512 WMV (3:40/100Kbps/2.25MB)
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